Friday, December 23, 2011

A Berry Merry Christmas Trifle

Yay, it's Christmas.

I'm from a large Catholic family (9 kids all up plus the aunts and uncles) and Christmas was a two day event for us growing up. We'd have Christmas day lunch at home with all the siblings and our parents and then Boxing day at my Uncles. My all time favorite thing to eat at Christmas was my mum and my aunts trifle. This year though the trifle making honor has been bestowed on me and I've come up with a cracker of a recipe.

Strawberry Jelly
Double Cream
Tinned Blackberries
Tinned Raspberries
Tinned Cherries
Medina Cake
Sherry (optional)

First make the Jelly as per the packet instructions and let it partially set (just to the point were it is the consistency of an egg).
Cut the Medina cake into slices and place a layer onto the bottom of a glass bowl. Drizzle the juice from the tinned berries onto the cake (or Sherry if preferred) so that it soaks in.
Put on a layer of Berries then a layer of partially set Jelly and then place in the fridge to set. Now add a layer of Custard and then repeat the process (minus the Medina cake) making sure the final layer is Jelly.
Put back into the fridge.
Once the Jelly has set completely put on your final layer of cream and top with Berries.

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